Title: Replanting History

Artist: Jaffa Lam Laam   Exhibition year: 2007

A WEAVING OF MATERIAL AND MEMORY Lam's Replanting History is a weaving, a weaving together of personal memory and the memory of the forest itself. Integral to understanding the piece is the artist's own story. As transplants from mainland China to Hong Kong, Lam and her family had to scramble for survival in a new community. The work is factual, empirical, invested with a meaning system, while its visual presence will increase as time passes. More accustomed to working on performance-related and interactive projects with people, the artist found herself in the middle of an Ontario woods, her subject matter seemingly at odds with her usual practice. Researching the natural and human history of this relatively unpeopled site led to a resonant connection between her artistic and private life and that of the region... 
Margaret Rogers, T R A N S P L A N T, Tree Museum Catalogue 2007

Jaffa Laam Lam is a well-known Hong Kong sculptor, and lecturer at The Art School of The Hong Kong Arts Centre. Lam's work is an exercise in breaking away from conventional ways of looking at and thinking about the visual arts. In her work she frequently weaves together the ideas and images of very different cultures juxtaposing two unlike realities to form an unexpected new reality.